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Acidification Analyst

Abhay Srivastava

What We Do

pH2O Analytics

This blog branches off pH2O Analytics, an environmental non-profit organization that uses data science to provide concrete evidence of climate change and its impacts.

Raising Awareness

The main goal of this blog is to give a bit of insight into my life and what I'm interested in, but it's also to raise awareness about the environmental risks and issues we as humans are exacerbating.

Using Data Science

One thing I would also like to encourage throughout the blog is finding unique applications for data science. If you have a project you are interested in, find its data, chances are you'll find something neat!

About Me

    Hello! I'm Abhay Srivastava, and I'm excited to welcome you to my blog, Acidification Analyst! As a freshman at Penn, I'm passionate about all things related to environmental analytics. I've been involved with the Wharton Undergraduate Energy Group as a consultant and had the opportunity to apply data science to environmental issues. Additionally, classes I've taken at Penn have been inspiring for my journey.


    That's where Acidification Analyst comes in. My blog is a medium for exploring my interests in environmental science, data science, and their intersection. I'm excited to share my journey with you, whether that's discussing the latest research in ocean acidification or sharing tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint. Be sure to subscribe to my blog if you want to see the impacts our actions can have, like the turtle to my right, on our oceans!

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